First night with Nerium AD night cream. Had simple instructions to follow from my dear friend who got me started with this. Looked a little like this:
- take a shower (easy!)
- wash face (currently using Walgreen's version of Cetaphil)
- take before pictures
- splash a little water on your face (whoops, forgot that one!)
- pump 4-6 times then rub into face
So for 5 steps, forgetting 1 is pretty good!
I must admit that taking pictures of myself that close to me is intimidating! I'm not one to brag on my qualities. And I definitely noticed how bad those brows look! (I'll take care of that ASAP, don't you worry!). It's a really weird feeling to know I am about to show the world up close and personal what I look like without makeup. But here goes nothing!
This is my usual looking face. I've always had a difficult time with the right side. It gets patchy red and when I was younger was prone to zits. I'm 30 and still get little "friends" like the guy under my mouth there. And the guy hiding in the the brows.
And here you can really see those big pores and discoloration on my cheeks. Pretty please Nerium, fix that!!
So far, I've had Nerium AD on my face for about 10 minutes. The smell is different as I've been told it might be, but it's not something that bothers me. I like the idea of something made from simple ingredients straight from nature working wonders on my face. You know how much I love the country and being outdoors, so this feels right to me. It also reminds of me a little of having a facial done before (which, I need to add, was a VERY long time ago!). A little tingly, tight, yet smooth feeling.
Nerium's found a new home on my bathroom counter. Sitting pretty right next to my Bath and Body Works Shimmer and Shea lotion, which by the way is also amazing!
I'm so EXCITED to see what happens in the next 3 weeks! Keep calm and dream with me!