Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Apples? Oranges? Or Chocolate?

I admit it.
I am very guilty of this.

I try not to be, but it sneaks in. 

That little voice in the back of my head...

saying oh so quietly...

"Theirs is better than yours."

And I hate it! 

I want to be content with what I have. I convince myself that what I've done is good enough.

I know as well as anyone you can't compare apples to oranges. I'm a teacher remember? I thrive on knowing that each child is unique and special in their own way. 

But can I take my own advice? Heavens no.
For example...

I walk into my classroom, and I take a look around. Clean, organized. A few nice touches. A couple of Pinterest-inspired projects completed and on display.

Then, I walk into the room next door. And the one down the hall. And the 2 in the main hall. 

And I'm crushed.

"Theirs is better than yours."  
That haunting, taunting voice.
The polka dots, the chevron, the owls, the tissue paper...it's all so...wonderful.

And mine is not. 

Then I remind myself:
1. I'm not a 1st year teacher.
2. I'm not a childless woman.
3. I'm not single.
4. My children still live at home.
5. I've done some things, just not everything.

And most importantly--
No matter how cute a classroom may be, the teacher is what makes the difference. And I'm a darn good teacher. =)

But seriously, I find myself comparing myself to others constantly. And not just at work. 

I want to be the best housewife.

This woman is a better cook then me. This one has a more organized house. She does all homemade meals every night. Or this one is the coupon-master. You get the idea. There's always someone who can do it better.

But can anyone do ALL that You have to do for YOUR family? 
There's no one better for that role than- you guessed it- YOU. 

My results with Nerium are not obvious enough yet. Other people have had improvements much faster than I have. So, of course, I compare their success with mine, and get bummed. But I know, that whatever Nerium is supposed to do for me, it is. And someday, I'll be the orange or the apple that someone is coming themselves to. But instead of gloating in success, I'll offer them a piece of chocolate. I know how it feels.

As long as at the end of each day, I can look back and know that I gave it my best, then I am satisfied. Sure, somebody's might be better. But my life is right for me. 
So forget about the Oranges. The Apples.
Don't spend your days comparing yourself to other fruits. And definitely not to other people. 
If anything- eat some chocolate. That'll make you feel better. =)





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