Thursday, August 1, 2013

Carry On

Let me be honest. 

I always get up every morning and brush my teeth. I
always check Facebook. I always kiss The Prince and Princess and cover them in hugs. I always use the restroom. I always go to bed.

That's it. Those are the only things that I do EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. No matter what. I don't even wash my hair everyday! I am the most inconsistent person. Ever. 

Have you ever thought about your daily routine? The things you do every day, no excuses? Even if you are sick? Even if it's Christmas? 

Most of the time, I drink coffee in the morning. M
ost of the time I take my medicines. Most of the time I put my contacts in. Most of the time I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of the time I change out of my pajamas! Most of the time I make my bed. Most of the time I clean the kitchen. Most of the time I read the newspaper online. Most of the time I read a book.

Do you see what I'm saying? I need to work on doing things every day. Things that are good and important for ME. 

I have 2 goals for myself for now until the end of the year. 
1. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
2. Wash my face and use my Nerium AD night cream every day.

Which one do you think I will be most consistent with? Hands down, the night cream! I don't have to leave my house. It will only take a few minutes. I KNOW I will get real results

Why is it that some things come so naturally, and I do them without hesitation? Or else I am disgusted with myself for even thinking not to (like brushing my teeth!). So why can't I make these 2 things simply just a part of my HAVE TO list rather than my SHOULD DO list. I'm hoping all I need is a little accountability provided by my blog. Even when I don't feel like taking the 2 minutes to wash my face and put on my night cream- I WILL. Even if I'm feeling nice and relaxed and lazy for the evening- I WILL go to the gym. How could doing these 2 little things improve my life? Dramatically. I can't wait.

PS~ I did not use my cream last night. Seriously. It was day 2. Now you see why I need the accountability?

What 2 goals do you have for yourself? 
What will be your "no excuses, I'm doing this"?

Sandy is on her way. Be safe. Be prepared. And stay calm and carry on

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